
A famous parable ...

A famous parable told about a Jew who told vicious lies about the town's rav.
After a time the man felt pangs of remorse for his actions, and begged the rav for forgiveness.
"Of course I'll forgive you," the rabbi told him. "But before I do you must do one thing for me."
"Anything," the man promised.
"Go to the center of town with a pillow, and rip open the pillow and spread the feathers into the wind. When you're done, come back to me."
The man, puzzled, did what the rabbi asked and split open a feather pillow in the center of town.
When he finished, he returned to the rabbi for his forgiveness.
"One more thing," said the rabbi. "Now go and collect all the feathers."
"That's impossible!," said the man. "I can't possibly collect all the feathers?"
Asked the rabbi, "And what about my reputation? How will you return that to me?"

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

всякий, кто расска- зывает дурное о ближнем, принимает на себя его грехи и отдает ему свои заслуги.

Наши мудрецы учили, что всякий, кто расска-
зывает дурное о ближнем, принимает на себя его
грехи и отдает ему свои заслуги.
«Тегилим», перевод и комментарий Меира Левинова, с. 269

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