Concerning the "fornication of the mouth and the ear," that is, speaking obscenities or listening to
them, our Sages "screamed like cranes" (Yerushalmi Terumoth 1.4), " `Let there not be seen
within you a thing of nakedness' (Deuteronomy 23:15) -nakedness of speech, the uttering of
obscenities." And (Shabbath 33a), "Because of the sin of obscene speech, troubles renew
themselves and the youths of (haters of ) Israel die, G-d forbid." And (Ibid.), "If one sullies his mouth,
Gehinnom is deepened for him." And (Ibid.), "Everyone knows why a bride goes to the wedding
canopy, but anyone who speaks obscenely concerning it, even a decree of seventy good years is
converted to evil." And (Chagigah 5b), "Even a casual conversation between a man and his wife
is held up to him at the time of Judgment." And concerning listening to obscenities they said
(Shabbath 33a),` `Even one who listens and remains still, as it is said (Proverbs 22:14), `He who
has incurred G-d's wrath, shall fall therein.' " We see, then, that all of one's faculties must be
Clean of fornication and of anything related to it.
If one would gain your ear and tell you that the Sages said what they did in relation to obscene
speech only to frighten one and to draw him far from sin, and that their words apply only to hotblooded
individuals who, by speaking obscenities, would be aroused to lust, but not to those who
air them only in jest, in which case there is nothing whatever to fear- tell him that his words are
those of the evil inclination; for the Sages have adduced an explicit verse in support of their
statements (Isaiah 9:16): "Therefore G-d will not rejoice over their youths ... for they are all
flatterers and speakers of evil, and every mouth utters obscentities." This verse mentions neither
idol worship, nor illicit relations, nor murder, but flattery and slander and obscene utterance, all
sins of the mouth in its capacity of speech; and it is because of these sins that the decree went
forth, "Therefore G-d will not rejoice over their youths, and will not be merciful to their orphans
and widows ..." The truth, then, is as our Teachers of blessed memory have it, that the uttering of
obscenities is the very "nakedness" of the faculty of speech and was prohibited as an aspect of
fornication along with all other such aspects, which, although outside the realm of the act of illicit
relations itself (as indicated by their not being subject to the punishment of "cutting off" or to the
death penalty), are nonetheless prohibited in themselves; this aside from the fact that they also
conduce to and bring about the principally proscribed act itself, as in the case of the Nazarite in
the Midrash referred to above. Thought: Our Sages of blessed memory have already said in the
beginning of our Baraitha (Avodah Zarah 20b), " `And keep yourself from every evil thing'
(Deuteronomy 23:10)-a man should not think obscene thoughts in the daytime ... " And (Yoma
29a), "The thoughts behind the sin are worse than the sin itself." And Scripture explicitly states
(Proverbs 15:26), "Evil thoughts are the abomination of G-d."
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